I Was a Good Wife Today
y Beloved has grown his own wheat grass for juicing for several months now. He grows a tray or two of wheat grass at a time and recently decided he really needs a stand so he can grow at least three consecutively. This way there will be no lapse in having wheat grass available.
Today the stand arrived. As soon as he brought it inside, he opened the box in our breakfast nook, took out the disassembled pieces, found the directions, and got to work building it.
I walked through in the middle of the construction where he proudly inquired, “Guess what arrived today?”
“Your wheat grass growing stand!”
I smiled and kept walking to find something else to do for the moment. That right there was my action step of being a good wife today.
As I walked away, the thoughts in my head churned along something like this:
“I wonder where he wants to put that thing? I can ask him but I’d really like to figure out where I’d like to have it and suggest that’s where he put it.
Or I could go in there and ask what I need to move out of the way for his stand as if I’m already on board with wherever he wants it. But that is a ploy to open up the conversation so I can get my way about it.
OK. Let’s not do any of that. Let’s just get busy doing anything else and stay out of it. I’m gonna let him lead the way on this.”
That right there was my thinking step of being a good wife today.
As he finished up the project, I helped tighten a screw when asked for help, and I can’t remember which one of us opened the conversation about where it would go. Which probably means I did.
I bet I asked, “Where do you want to put it?” But I know I asked the question without agenda.
Turns out he had a number of ideas and was happy for me to have some input. We both like its placement. And just as important, it got accomplished without me getting my controlling energy in there dampening the excitement of the stand arriving today!
That right there was my feeling step of being a good wife today!
Such gratitude when I have the presence of mind to let my heart come first and refrain from trying to control details that invariably communicate “I only trust me” and instead communicate, “I love and respect you and let’s have fun!”