With the exception of my beloved step-children, my "children" have always been of the four legged variety. I love taking pictures of animals. They're beautiful and sometimes provide humor for the lens as well.

Joseph and I love to hike with our dog, Daisy. The mountains in and around Asheville, NC and the French Broad River give us lots of room to roam and lots of photo opportunities.

If anything intimidates me picture-taking-wise, it's grabbing shots of people of all ages. Not everyone likes having their picture taken and most people would rather pose than be caught off guard. But the best people pictures are those when they're engaged in relating to one another or with an animal or nature or even with their own selves, lost in thought or feeling.

These photos are of buildings, snatches of landscaping, furniture, stuff made by humans that was empty of people or animals in the moment I took the photograph.

The Lord’s Acre is an awesome community hub in Fairview, NC that brings volunteers together to grow organic food for those in need and offers garden and food-skills training to all ages! Joseph and I have been involved with The Lord's Acre for a number of years with him serving on its board of directors. It presents me with some of my favorite picture taking opportunities.
Joseph does container gardening here at the house. Nestled in the woods, if we're going to garden, container gardening is our only choice - chasing that sun between the trees! This album celebrates some of his creative work.